living off the grid emp attack book

EMP Attack Books and EMP Survival Books

EMP Survival Books

Here we cover recommended reading related to EMP Attacks.  These EMP Survival Books are geared at arming you with knowledge, knowledge on how to survive after an EMP Attack.

living off the grid emp attack book

Living off the grid is a great reference on how to live in a world without power.

It offers step by step instructions on how to live off of the power grid.  Obtaining shelter, preparing food, energy, water, waste, and so on.

A post EMP Survival book must-have.





one second after book related to EMP AttackOne Second After is a great novel on life after an EMP attack.

One Second After has already been cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read.

This book is part of a series:
#1 One Second After
#2 One Year After
#3 The Final Day




survival medicine handbook


The Survival Medicine Handbook is a book aimed at providing information on medical help with help is NOT on the way.  You might be on your own or with a small group for an extended period of time and someone is going to need medical attention.  Be prepared and best suited to provide that medical help when life is at stake.

A post EMP Survival book must-have.




If you are looking for some great EMP Survival Books to get started with, these are highly recommended.  In later posts we will cover more must have survival books and pocket guides that every prepper should have.  These will include survival guides, bushcraft books, pocket reference material, and more first aid related books.  You can have the best gear on the market but if you don’t know how to use it and have knowledge on how to survive then all you have is a nice pile of “stuff” that won’t do you any good in a survival situation.  Our goal is to not only show you some great gear and gadgets but to arm you with your most powerful tool for survival….knowledge.

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