Dedicated Prepper

Prepper Basics for Prepping and Survival

Dedicated Prepper is geared to keep us informed.  Informed of how to be prepared, what to prepare for, and what is some good gear to have and where to get it.  Being a prepper is sometimes ridiculed but in the event of an attack, a collapse, a natural disaster those making those remarks will wish they had listed more closely and prepared themselves.  

Now we are not saying that everyone should prepare for the zombie apocalypse with elaborate bunkers and decades worth of freeze-dried food but if you have the means and the dedication to prep like that then more power to you.  We support you.  What we are saying is that someday something will happen, something that impacts our daily life and when that happens, we should all be prepared.  This event might be something small like a winter storm or a storm that takes out power for an extended period of time.  But, it could be something BIG.  Big like an attack from outside threats that impact us on a large scale to a great degree. 

Whatever the attack, threat, disaster that occurs, our goal is to inform and empower you to be prepared.  Prepared to support yourself and your family.  To keep yourselves safe and well equipped. 

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Prepping Basics

Starter List

Starter List This is a list to help you get started with some inexpensive items that you will be glad that you have if/when disaster

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Prepping Basics

So you want to know how to become a prepper. Here we start off small with some prepping basics, prepping essentials, and prepping ideas.

Preppers Checklists

There are all types of prepping. Here we complile preppers checklists for various scenarios to help you be better prepared.

Prepping Situations

Doomsday Prepping, EMP attack, Natural Disasters, Economic Collapse these are just a few of the scary situations that could impact our lives as we know them.

Prepper Essentials

Here we cover the essentials. There are so many items on the market today to help us be better prepared. Here we will cover the essentials with reviews, product descriptions, and where to get them.

SHTF Gear List

Taking the essentials to the next level. SHTF Gear is the next step after you have the essentials out of the way and secured.

Urban Prepper

Not all of us sit on acres of land to live off of when disaster strikes. Most of us live in urban environments where prepping can vary.